Video Project – Becoming Independent

A practical oral production carried out by students from Class 11/7. Hoang Hoa Tham High School. Danang Topic: Becoming Independent (English 11)

Video Project – Global Warming (Carbon Footprint)

A practical oral production carried out by students from Class 11/7. Hoang Hoa Tham High School. Danang Topic: Global Warming English 11. Global Warming

Video Project – Humans and the Environment

A practical oral production carried out by students from Class 10/5. Hoang Hoa Tham High School. Danang Topic: Humans and the Environment English 10. Unit 2. Humans and the Environment

Video Project – My family

A model video carried out by a student from Hoang Hoa Tham High School-Danang (the product used for the Eloquence Contest 2023 held by Danang Department of Education and Training) Topic: My Family


A model video carried out by a student from Hoang Hoa Tham High School-Danang (the product used for the Eloquence Contest 2023 held by Danang Department of Education and Training) Topic: Our environment